Photographer. Artist.
The throwaway economy, with mass production and mass consumption, is at odds with planetary resources and the idea of sustainability. In a few decades or centuries, the previously used non-renewable raw materials will be used up. Ulrike Köb is a passionate artistic photography who uses her work to question societal issues surrounding sustainability. Köb often creates her work out of food and found objects (especially from plastic) exciting, sometimes irritating compositions. In her latest international exhibition Köb explores “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”, sharing the urgent message that urgent change is required to create a sustainable future of the planet.
Ulrike Koeb / © koeb.at
“Existing materials, equipment, clothing […] should be used, repaired, passed on or shared for as long as possible. Our consumption patterns must change step-by-step, sooner than later.”
koeb #01 / © koeb.at
koeb #14 / © koeb.at
koeb #19 / © koeb.at
“We only have one planet, but we behave as if we had several in reserve.”
koeb.at ➢ instagram.com ➢