Here are the FAQ’s of the Calliope project that explain a few common questions. If you have any further questions, please do contact us directly via email. calliope@frauenmuseum.at
Who created Calliope and why?
Calliope was created by the Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs and the Women’s Museum, Hittisau to promote the women of Austria, and their work and achievements, around the world.
This international visualisation of female figures is the second phase of the Calliope project. The first phase created the publication "KALLIOPE AUSTRIA. Frauen in Gesellschaft, Kultur und Wissenschaft" (Women in Society, Culture and Science). This was an impressive collection of outstanding female personalities from Austria, from the 18th century to the present, who have shaped Austria and written contemporary history.
Why are there the five themes?
The central themes of Calliope, by which the women are grouped, are interwoven with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as defined by the United Nations. The SDG’s share a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.
By using this frame work we wanted to create a relevant and future focused cross section from Austrian cultural and socio-political landscape.
Why Join the Dots?
We are all more than one thing. The five themes group the women, but every one of them has other traits and passions that unite them with many other women in the Calliope project.
We wanted to celebrate theses connections and that is why we ask you to Join the Dots, to learn more about the women featured and what unites them. As the project evolves we hope to create a whole constellation of dots, joined together.
Who chooses the women and what is the criteria?
In spring 2022 the Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs and the Women’s Museum, Hittisau both created lists of women to include, using the five themes of calliope. The criteria to be on those lists was very broad, for example: had the women made a real impact, did they have expertise and passion, do they influence society in Austria, are they creating new cultural waves? There are so many more women we want to add to Calliope. The initial launch is just the tip of the iceberg.
What is next for Calliope?
Calliope is designed to grow. To get bigger. To incorporate as may women of Austria as possible to create a vast living network of incredible women. This network will be showcased around the world at multiple events hosted at official Austrian residencies, and on social media.
Can I add a women to the project?
We welcome suggestions. We want this project to expand and evolve with the input from others.