Transgender activist. Feminist.
Dedicated to raising awareness, promoting equality, and defending human rights. Eva Fels has been chairwoman of the transgender association TransX since 2000 and in this function was, among other things, co-founder of the First European Transgender Council (Vienna 2005). As a result, she worked until 2008 on the board of the Transgender Europe. In addition to numerous feminist and transgender publications, her research on Indian transgender cultures appeared under the title "In Search of the 3rd Sex" (Vienna, 2005). Eva Fels studied ethnology and economics and works as an actuary in Vienna.
Eva Fels / © Karo Pernegger
“Sexism is expecting, even demanding, others to embody gender norms. It will only be overcome when gender has as much meaning as hair colour.”
“Gender must not be a prison!”
Since I have been involved in transgender politics, there has been gigantic progress: The compulsory divorce and the compulsory surgery for changes in personal status have been abolished. Acceptance for third gender positions is increasing. Trans* people are much better integrated and healthier today than 20 years ago. It was a revolution! Even if there is still no self-determined change of personal status and first name for T*. But ...
If today trans* persons are declared the enemy of fundamentalist-religious and post-fascist groups, even drag queens are denied their right to exist, it is not about this small minority even in the LGBTQI scene, but about the enforcement of reactionary gender roles. It is a fight against gender emancipation, and it can affect us all, but especially women. Please be vigilant!