Sometimes it’s a process that starts without a plan or a preconceived idea, but a collection colours - other times visual artists Anna Maria Mackowitz has a strong point to make. She was born in Brixlegg and now lives and works in Innsbruck. After her studies in history/art history and German literature at the University of Innsbruck she lived and worked in Istanbul for 8 years and travelled from there to the Orient. After then she has trained painting. Her talent has taken her around the world and she has trained by Gerhard Lojen in Graz; Jakobo Borges, in New York and Salzburg, and Jerry Zeniuk, in Munich. In her latest project with collaborator and fellow Calliope Erika Wimmer Mazohl, "The Play of Colors in the Women's Choir" consists of multiple installations consisting of paintings and texts that address women's rights.
Anna Maria Mackowitz / © Elisabeth Melkonyan
“in my studio / I sit / clamped between / senselessness and discovery”
Spiel der Farben, 2023 / © A. Mackowitz
Farben der Wüste, 2023 / © A. Mackowitz
Spiel der Farben, 2023 / © A. Mackowitz
Galerie Nothburga, 2019 / © M. Zanolin