Graphic designer. Author. cultural publicist.
She knows her way around words that can fight. Eva Geber is an author, graphic designer, cultural journalist and critic. For 35 years she was co-editor of the feminist magazine AUF (Aktion unabhängiger Frauen). In 1992 she co-founded the AUF-Edition in Vienna. For 22 years she ran a self-managed print shop. 2013 Bruno Kreisky Recognition Award for the political book ‘Der Typus der kämpfenden Frau - Frauen schreiben über Frauen in der Arbeiter-Zeitung von 1900-1933’. In 2018, her biographical novel ‘Louise Michel - Die Anarchistin und die Menschenfresserin’ was published. 2021 Theodor Kramer Prize for Writing in Resistance and Exile. 2022 Journalism Prize of the City of Vienna. 2023 Elias Canetti Scholarship for the publication Hainburg – Eine Stadtbefragung.
Eva Geber / © Bertram Hofer
Active in the women's movement from 1975. Worked for 22 years in a self-managed print shop. Her book publications and numerous publications in magazines and anthologies are primarily dedicated to the feminist pioneers she recalls.
“As often as possible - with the exception of illness or the death of loved ones - I want to court, recognize and enjoy happiness like a love. You can miss happiness, but you can’t miss unhappiness.”